
- Patient Status
- Released
- Date Found
- June 11, 2024
- Location
- Keaton Beach; Taylor county
- Reason for Rescue
- Entanglement and fishing line ingestion
Initial Assessment
- Weight
- 18.94 kg (42 lbs)
- SCL (Straight Carapace Length)
- 54.0 cm
- Exam Findings
- Severe ligature injury to left front flipper and minor ligature injury to right front flipper. Fishing line coming out of mouth.
- Initial Treatment
- Antibiotics, fluids, and vitamins
Baldwins Story
Baldwin is a subadult, kemp’s ridley who was found entangled in fishing line affecting both front flippers and additionally ingested the fishing line. Due to the severity of the entanglement, Baldwin’s left front flipper was barely attached to the body still. Our veterinarian quickly amputated the left front flipper and applied wound care at intake. Sea turtles are still releasable with missing one front flipper. It is extremely important to dispose of your fishing line appropriately as it can affect wildlife in a variety of ways! Over the next few days, we will be conducting wound care and performing more diagnostics regarding the ingested fishing line.
INTERESTING FACT: Naming theme: Hometowns of rehab team (Baldwin, NY)
Treatment Updates
- 6.12.24
An endoscopy was performed to visualize the ingested fishing line, it is too far down in the intestines to remove, and there is also a lot of tension. Pulling on the line with resistance can also cause other gastrointestinal issues. The line was cut to see if they could pass on their own.
- 6.14.24
They went for a routine CT scan. Baldwin is acclimating well in water and able to be in water overnight. They have started to show interest in food! We will start giving medications that will assist with passing fishing line.
- 6.20.24
Baldwin defecated 300 cm of fishing line! They are continuing to eat well. The left front flipper amputation site is healing well.
- 7.17.24
Baldwin is continuing to eat and defecate normally. Their amputation site is mostly healed. Baldwin has received a clean bill of health from our staff veterinarian!
- 7.26.24
Baldwin was successfully released offshore of Cedar Key by our partners at UF Marine Animal Rescue.
All marine turtle footage taken in Florida was obtained with the approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under conditions not harmful to marine turtles. Footage was acquired while conducting authorized conservation activities pursuant to FWC MTP-23/24-172.