Nesting sea turtles journey from the ocean to shorelines to lay nests during nesting season (May 1 through October 31). These mothers and their hatchlings rely on celestial light (moonlight and starlight) to guide them back into the water. The reflection of the moon and stars over the water usually creates the brightest horizon.
On developed beaches, however, artificial light (street lights, exterior/interior lights on homes and hotels, decorative lighting, etc.) disorientate sea turtles and cause them to think those light sources are guiding them towards the water. Disoriented sea turtles crawl toward those lights, wasting precious energy and often leading them further from the ocean.
Different lights impact sea turtles differently; sea turtles are very sensitive to specific colors of lights like blues, purples, and greens. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s motto for wildlife-sensitive lighting is to keep it long, low, and shielded.
Long wavelengths, like those in the red, amber, and orange color spectrum are best for sea turtle safety.
Low indicating lights low to the ground and wattage or lumens.
Shielded with an opaque cover to ensure the light is cast down where it needs to be and not on the beach.
How You Can Help
If you own or are staying on a property near the beach, there are some easy steps you can take to help sea turtles during nesting season:
- Close your drapes or blinds and turn off all unnecessary outdoor lights.
- Switch other lights to sea turtle-friendly lights if your property can be seen from the beach.
- If walking the beach at night, please avoid using flashlights and cell phone lights. If a flashlight is necessary, please be cautious of your surrounding areas and possible nesting mothers and hatchlings making their way into the ocean.
Protect a Sea Turtle Nest

For a limited time, you can protect a nest by purchasing a plaque to mark a nest and help protect sea turtles.
A plaque with your personalized message will be placed at one of our nests for the season. The nesting team will send you information about the nesting season, and at the end of the nesting season, we will mail you the plaque to keep!
We collaborate with Pinellas County Environmental Management, municipalities, code enforcement, FWC, and the Sea Turtle Conservancy to offer sea turtle lighting consultations following FWC’s sea turtle lighting guidelines! If you are interested in a consultation please call 727-441-1790 ext 224 to learn more!
All marine turtle footage taken in Florida was obtained with the approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under conditions not harmful to marine turtles. Footage was acquired while conducting authorized conservation activities pursuant to FWC MTP-19/20-263.