Clearwater Marine Aquarium released Olivia, a large juvenile (almost sub-adult) green sea turtle on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, after ten months of rehab care.

Floating Sea Turtle Rescued Near John’s Pass
Olivia was found floating near John’s Pass in Pinellas County on June 2, 2019. Upon intake at CMA’s surgical suite, a physical exam found that Olivia had severe injuries to the carapace and left rear flipper that appeared to be consistent with an old boat strike injury. Due to the severity of her injuries, our veterinarian determined that amputation of the left rear flipper was necessary.
The damaged portion of Olivia’s carapace was also removed with a CO2 laser. Further diagnostics confirmed Olivia was battling an infection in her shoulder joints that was affecting the use of her front flippers and her ability to dive. After months of rehab, Olivia’s wounds have healed and the use of her front flippers have greatly improved! She is able to swim, dive, and forage regularly! She has been cleared for release by our veterinarian and by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

On March 11, Olivia was released off the beach at Clearwater Beach with help from CMA staff and volunteers. A large crowd of spring break beachgoers and supporters cheered as Olivia made her way back into the Gulf. We wish her well and she will be missed!

All marine turtle footage taken in Florida was obtained with the approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under conditions not harmful to marine turtles. Footage was acquired while conducting authorized conservation activities pursuant to FWC MTP-19-172.