Clearwater Marine Aquarium released Stormy, a sub-adult loggerhead sea turtle on Thursday, May 21, 2020.

Sea Turtle Found Entangled in a Crab Trap
Stormy, a loggerhead weighing in around 175 lbs, was found entangled in a crab trap offshore of the Sand Key Beach area in Pinellas County on May 10, 2020. With help from the U.S. Coast Guard in Clearwater, we were able to bring Stormy in for evaluation. After further assessment, it was determined that she sustained minor injuries from the entanglement and is a healthy turtle, making our team hopeful for a quick recovery!
After spending a short time in our rehabilitation center, she was deemed healthy enough to be released back into the ocean. Her release was cleared by our veterinarian and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

On May 21, Stormy was released off of Honeymoon Island. We wish Stormy the best as she makes her way back into the wild!

All marine turtle footage taken in Florida was obtained with the approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under conditions not harmful to marine turtles. Footage was acquired while conducting authorized conservation activities pursuant to FWC MTP-19-172.