
- Tag Status
- Inactive
- Last Date Tagged
- March 14, 2023
- Gender
- Female
- Tagging Location
- Oakhill, Volusia County
Please note: The presentation of data here does not constitute publication, and the researchers who contributed this data retain all intellectual property rights. Map created by Clearwater Marine Aquarium using Google Maps API. Data & Map © CMA. Use of this map or data without permission is prohibited without the written consent of the researcher. This map is automatically updated with new points each day. The manatee icon location point represents the most recent location received for this manatee. If the most recent point is more than two months old, then the manatee most likely lost their tag ending our ability to track their movement.
Plover’s Story
A ten-foot manatee named Plover and her seven-foot male calf, Willet, were rescued near New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County, Florida by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and SeaWorld Orlando on January 3, 2023. Plover was experiencing buoyancy issues at the time of rescue and received critical rehabilitation care at SeaWorld. Mother and calf were released on March 14, 2023 at River Breeze in Oakhill, Volusia County. Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute tagged Plover for their manatee Northern Atlantic Coast study along the East Coast of the United States and as part of a cooperative study with state and federal agencies to assess manatee movement and habitat use as a result of the Unusual Mortality Event. Plover weighed 1650 pounds and Willet weighed 550 pounds at the time of their release.
All manatee work was conducted under USFWS Research Permit # MA37808A-2.