June 14, 2023
A letter from the CEO
Dear CMA friends and supporters,
For 50 years, Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) has been a leader in marine mammal care and dolphin rehabilitation. As the only organization in the United States with its resident dolphin population composed entirely of stranded, rescued, rehabilitated and non-releasable animals, CMA continues to be at the forefront of progressive dolphin research and the first response to dolphins requiring emergency, life-saving care.
As a response to four rescued dolphins coincidentally passing between November 2021 to March 2023, CMA commissioned a panel of five experts to complete an in-depth independent review. Based on the assessment, the review team found that in nearly all situations, Clearwater Marine Aquarium worked diligently through these very challenging cases involving dolphins that arrived at the Aquarium with significantly compromised conditions. The Clearwater Marine Aquarium veterinary staff and the animal care team appeared to adapt, respond quickly and reasonably to the case presentations, reaching out extensively to appropriate veterinary colleagues and pivoting as the cases evolved. In addition, there were no identified environmental or water quality issues that contributed to the dolphins’ passing.
As evidenced in the review, leaders and staff members are passionate and dedicated, providing a solid foundation to enhance the resident dolphin program and the future of CMA.
The review did provide CMA with recommendations and considerations that will further improve our ability to care for these majestic marine animals and CMA is taking action on these immediately.
We thank you for your continued support.
Joe Handy
Chief Executive Officer