
- Tag Status
- Active
- Tag ID
- 158608
- Date Tagged
- January 31, 2022
- Gender
- Male
- Tagging Location
- Blue Springs State Park, Orange City, Florida
Please note: The presentation of data here does not constitute publication, and the researchers who contributed this data retain all intellectual property rights. Map created by Clearwater Marine Aquarium using Google Maps API. Data & Map © CMA. Use of this map or data without permission is prohibited without the written consent of the researcher.This map is automatically updated with new points each day. The manatee icon location point represents the most recent location received for this manatee. If the most recent point is more than two months old, then the manatee most likely lost their tag ending our ability to track their movement.
Marduk’s Story
Marduk, a large adult male manatee, was rescued by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission with assistance from Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute (CMARI), Volusia County, Save the Manatee Club, and Lake County Water Authority on January 31, 2022, due to suspected cold stress exposure from Lake Harris, Lake County, Florida.
He was reported in the same area for several days by a local citizen as Marduk would dive into the muddy bottom of the lake to stay warm as water temperatures dropped dramatically to critically low levels manatees cannot survive long within. Due to the fast response by the rescue team and the diligent eyes of the citizen, Marduk was able to be rescued and relocated immediately to Blue Spring State Park before he sustained long-term damage from the cold water exposure.
Marduk was estimated to weigh over 900 pounds at the time of his rescue and he was 306 centimeters long. CMARI outfitted Marduk with a GPS satellite tag upon his release into the warm water sanctuary of Blue Spring State Park and will be monitoring his movements as part of their Ocklawaha Manatee Use study which will also focus on manatee habitat selection within the Ocklawaha and St. Johns River systems. The data gathered will help deepen our understanding of manatee movements, behavior, and use of their habitat.
All manatee work was conducted under USFWS Research Permit # MA37808A-2.