Kemp’s ridley sea turtle released at Cedar Key on August 15, 2023.
On August 15, the University of Florida Marine Animal Rescue released Injera back to the big blue! The fishing hook was successfully removed orally without the need for surgery by Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s staff veterinarian! Injera is a juvenile Kemp’s ridley sea turtle from Cedar Key who was accidentally caught by a fisherman and ingested a fishing hook on July 24.
Injera has recovered, and there are no concerning injuries related to the hook ingestion. Injera had been cleared for release by both our veterinarian and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and returned home.

All marine turtle footage taken in Florida was obtained with the approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under conditions not harmful to marine turtles. Footage was acquired while conducting authorized conservation activities pursuant to FWC MTP-23/24-172A.