Clearwater Marine Aquarium released Heath, a juvenile Kemp’s ridley, on Thursday, September 17, 2020.

Sea Turtle Caught By Fisherman
On August 29, 2020, a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was brought in from the Hudson area in Pasco County. He had accidentally been caught by a fisherman and had ingested the hook. The fisherman acted accordingly and taped the line to the turtle’s carapace (shell) to prevent further ingestion. The hook was successfully removed without the need for surgery, having our team hopeful for a quick recovery!
Heath continued to recover and was deemed healthy enough to be released! His release was cleared by our veterinarian and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

On September 17, Heath was released at Fred Howard Park. We wish him the best as he heads back home!

All marine turtle footage taken in Florida was obtained with the approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under conditions not harmful to marine turtles. Footage was acquired while conducting authorized conservation activities pursuant to FWC MTP-19-172.